Thursday, September 17, 2015

PASS THE BALL, your teammate is WIDE OPEN!!!!

Imagine yourself at a sports event … You are a #12 fan in the stands.  Doesn’t matter if you are in a small gymnasium or huge arena, you are there ready to enjoy a great game.   You have your beer (or if at a kids event) your soda, your hotdog, and your game face on … You stand for the National Anthem and applaud afterwards,’s game time.  You are sitting on the edge of your seat cheering your favorite team on waiting for some action, but then get disappointed when you realize “ONE” person is running the show trying to outshine every other player on the team.  You find yourself yelling “PASS THE BALL, your team mate is WIDE OPEN!!!” This “ONE” player is taking all the shots, he is a ONE man team … the other players are non-existent except to pass to him so he or she looks like a superstar.  What was once a game you looked forward to attending, now is a game you look forward to leaving.
I completely understand this “ONE” player is good, but he or she would NOT be without the help of teammates.  You have a player that passes the ball in, players that set screens, players that block, players that assist, players that throw, players that kick, players that defend, all in order to help the TEAM to score points.  In reality, without teammates, that ONE person would be nothing.  The game would be forfeited without a full team. 
Each player has his or her attributes to the team’s ultimate mission or mutual goal (TO WIN) or have fun trying.  No ONE person has a more important position than the other, that is why they call it a team.  So what that some members on the team aren’t naturally talented as others, this is why again, it is called a TEAM.  Players with that god-given natural talent should help inspire and build the other team players skill levels up. 
God gave us each a natural talent and gift, but he also instructs us to GIVE that talent or gift away … This means to help others shine … help them to see what is amazing about them.  This life is NOT always about You, it’s about being a vessel of inspiration for God.  What will you do with your god given talent, keep it to yourself or give it away?

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