Pretty deep quote here. I am positive hell is a place and I am certain hell is not empty, I do believe, it is running on a skeleton crew. It isn't the devil that is amongst us, it is his tormented employees that do his dirty work, the demons. They are spiritual killers and can gain control over the mind and body IF YOU LET THEM. We ALL are in a battle to keep our mind and heart straight. Some succeed and some fail and let the world destroy them. So we fight to stay right with God. In the End, we all die but some of us do not have the courage to LIVE. Not just survive, but Live Happily, Thankfully, like tomorrow isn't coming.
People claim to be fighting "their demons," whatever they may be. Some may claim they fight alcoholism, drug addiction, and guilt. Some fight mental health disorders. Maybe the alcoholic has a voice that whispers "Another one won't kill you, you have already lost everything, so why not have another." But in reality it did kill them (their mind, their health, their life). The drug addicts silent voice "Just hit another line, it will kill the pain, it's an escape from reality." But this time was different, he escaped any reality on an accidental overdose. What about the person suffering from Depression, all they want is to see the good but they cannot see past the bad to embrace the good, the voice says "Go ahead and pull the trigger, you will be fine in a second." But didn't think about how it would effect anyone who loved them. What about the person struggling with being overweight and underweight, total opposites but the same outcome, when you cannot beat serious health issues, in the end, death. In the End, we all die but some of us do not have the courage to LIVE. Do not be a statistic.
This quote is very accurate ... and very real ... people are so lost in the struggle, simple decisions are not clear. The devil is the master of confusion, and he is a liar. If you are feeling condemnation, know surely this is NOT from God. You can feel convicted at times, but that is a safety net to do better, to change for the better. Learn the difference.
Do Not let this world destroy you, Do Not let this world eat you from the inside out, Do Not let the world corrupt your spirit, or your life. Fight it! If you struggle from addiction of any kind, Do Not pick up what God told you to put down!!! Leave it alone, walk away ... Whatever is bringing you down, leave it alone, walk away. Fight to beat whatever you are going through. If you are in deep depression or whatever it is, you already have a shovel to get that deep, so dig out some stairs and get out of there!! You have the Power to get past anything. Find the Courage to Live Happily, Thankfully, like tomorrow isn't coming. You Got this! As hard as it seems at times, let the Good drown out the Bad ... FIGHT it!!!
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