In reference to the message:
Children’s delicate minds are very sponge-like;
they absorb information by sight and sound from birth. Parents eagerly await for their child’s first
words, hoping for “Mommy or Daddy,” and those words might be so at first … They
do not know what the real world is like, and we, as parents, were given these
precious gifts to protect and guide. We
have to protect their eyes and ears, yet teach them to not be naïve in certain
adult situations they may find themselves in at an early age
(drugs/sex/violence.)I never quite understood my mother’s words when she would say “Alissa, you will understand why I do the things I do when you have children of your own … I guard your eyes and ears to protect your innocence, and I do not allow you to do things other parents allow their children to do because I love you.” Now that I have children, I completely understand her, and what I was put on this earth to do. I also find myself saying the same exact words to my children. I would lay my life down in a heartbeat to protect them. I will do anything to keep them innocent for as long as possible. THIS is a difficult task, our parents had it easier because we did not have cell phones, or a google search engine on the internet … they have a world of information at the push of a key (get one letter off on a google search ) and our kids could be seeing pornographic material. Rated R in the 1980-1990s is probably considered PG now. The G rated movies cuss and have adult humor, PG13 should be rated R, and the R rated movies should be rated XXX.
This is not the only way innocence is stripped from our children … My kids ask if there are such things as monsters, and from an early age, my reply has always been “Yes. Not in the way you view monsters that hide in the closet or underneath your bed. Not big scary monsters with fangs, but real life monsters that look just like you and me.” These monsters are covered with human skin, have sick and twisted minds, these monsters will do vile and degrading things. I tell my kids the truth when it means saving their lives. I tell my kids not to listen to any inner or outer voices that tell them lies that will crush their self-esteem, or any talk that belittles them … I tell them those words are from the devil and the devil is a LIAR!!! We have schools taking God out of everything and teaching our children things that are not RIGHT, so we as parents, need to be a GOOD example in the way we live our lives … so our children can imitate what is right, contrary to what the world shows or tells them.
Teach our children that it does not matter if a
peer group accepts them, or that they do not fit in, that people tease them
because they are smart, are overweight … teach them that NO MATTER WHAT, they
are beautiful, funny, kind, and are ALWAYS accepted in God’s eyes. They are ALWAYS loved by God.
Teach them and prepare them for life’s trials and
sorrows, as we know they will have many.
Teach them to turn away from anything that stimulates youthful lusts,
and encourage them to pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love and
peace. Let the Lord be their companion,
until the time comes, and their actions are pleasing to God (Marriage). Let us help them stay on their guard, teach them the importance of true faith, and how God’s strength can help them in any situation. We can help save their innocence by shielding their eyes and ears from filth and lies … we can help them see and avoid real life monsters. All we have to do is, give our children our time, isn’t that what we are called to do? … Guide and Lead them on the right path, protect them, love them …
Lord, let us show our children how to pray at night, and in the morning. Show them how to give their worries and cares to you, so they can get rest during the night, and feel protected during the day. Let them understand they are safe with you. Let our children view themselves as brave knights with heroic courage, let them stand tall on your words. ~ Amen.
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