Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Watch What You Let In

I write because I am imperfect, I write because someone needs to hear that whomever has held you back from what God has put in your heart to do, DO NOT let that stop you.  For the past couple years, I have been sort of lost in the mix of things … the world can corrupt you if you are not careful.  Do not let anyone’s harsh words or actions make you forget who you are in Christ, believe me, I am guilty of forgetting that I am a daughter of a King.  I have let people’s words (the world) get into my soul and poison the person who I once was.  The days are tough enough … let us build each other up, instead of treating people like pin cushions, after a while, people go numb and can’t feel the pricks anymore.  What a stale place to be.  We are not created to live like that, or be cruel people.

Do you remember the first time you became a believer, the time you were baptized, the time you were born again in the faith?  Do you remember the rush and how on fire you were to speak out to everyone about the goodness of Jesus?  Do not lose your fire because the devil is a liar. If your fire is dim, throw some wood on it, some lighter fluid, light a match, and reignite it! 

We as Jesus followers ARE supposed to strive to walk in his ways.  We try to live more like him, talk like him, of him, try to be model parents, or try to be the best husband/wife/son/daughter.  We are to LIVE a life where the non-believers see something inside us that turn them to be saved.  The difficulty of this is that … Jesus has a piece of character, we as humans, will never possess … Jesus was perfection. The point is, we can only make daily attempts and try our best to live life the way Jesus wants us to, yet we all sin, we fail, and sometimes we fail miserably, but the believer has something others do not, when we make mistakes … God does not see us, he sees Jesus standing in front of us … giving us strength to ask for forgiveness and try again, if we are blessed enough to get tomorrow. 

The WORLD will TEST you, watch out for demons who use words to tear us apart, words that darken our inner light, and words that harden our hearts.  Keep your eyes to the sky grabbing the Word of Light that will raise you, build you up, heal, and guide you on the right path.  In a cruel but beautiful world, watch what you say, and how you say it.   Make your words … positive and influential, be slow to speak, and do it with love. Remember … YOU are good enough, YOU are the daughter or son of a King. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Lock Your Cage or Walk Out The Door

Today is the day I pick up where I left off from over a year ago.  This quote sent something perfect to my heart to write about.  This is all about the terrifying word FEAR.  So many things people miss and regret because he or she is too afraid to go forward ... I am guilty of that.  I have harbored resentment and a low level of hate in my soul for the past year and all it has done is kill my spirit. 

"You may be afraid to leave a bad situation, Do it Afraid, your life may depend on it."

As many of you all know how peaceful and carefree I was prior to giving up my life (family, friends, home, career, etc.) to step out of my cage (comfort zone) and run free.  I let my wild heart over-run my logical mind.  You ever had times where you wanted to experience things/life so bad you were willing to do anything to achieve it?  Sometimes that is a good thing, sometimes not so much.  I have somehow genetically inherited my mother's free spirit, self-reliant independence, and unfortunately my dads stubbornness to accept any form of good advice.  My whirlwind decision to drop everything, leave my life, and move across country on a whim ... eventually caught up to me.  I was unhappy in life so I thought change would cure that, I run, away from everything.  I suppose some of those cages in the above quote need to be locked down with a dead bolt. 

"You may be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, nothing grows there, Do it Afraid, or your life will stay the same."

If I would have viewed this quote 2 1/2 years ago, knowing what I know now, I would have locked my own cage.  I didn't realize that after making the decision to walk out of my wide open door, that I would come to realize that ... I really lost everything, most of all I missed my life line (the people in my life that let me shine brightly).  I exchanged that life, for one ... that has brought out the absolute worst in me, you grow with drastic change, or you crumble.  You let things go, or you let thoughts eat you alive.

"The most scary thing I can think of is Letting Go of Everything I lost, but it is just that, GONE. It will only come back better if I trust God to turn everything around, if you have lost faith.  Do it Afraid, your best days are not behind you, they are Standing in Front of You." Are you ready to move forward? ...

The reason I wrote this is because, for one, I miss writing, and someone told me I shouldn't because I am not perfect and until I could practice what I wrote, I had no business writing.  If you wait to be perfect ... nothing will ever happen.  What my point is ... If you have made a mistake in life, a rather large one, that you sacrificed so much for ... and in that time of suffering you changed someone's life for the better, God WILL NOT overlook that ... He did NOT forget about you.  If you just let go of everything that is gone, He will restore that.  If you have lost your faith, and find it hard to trust God, now is the time to look to the clouds and find your knees on the ground.

Finally taking my own advice ... Alice